boy sitting on a picnic bench with football

The Residential Child Care Program meets disadvantaged children’s physical, emotional, educational and spiritual needs in a warm family-like atmosphere where houseparents function as mother and father figures. Residents range in age from 5 to 18 and live in cottages with eight to ten children.

This program helps families (mothers, fathers, grandparents, guardians) who realize they need help in raising their children. Families are often in conflict. They face issues ranging from homelessness, poverty, alcohol or drug abuse, violence, serious illness, abuse, incarceration, abandonment or the death of a family member.

Arms of Hope provides for the children’s basic daily needs including shelter, food, clothing, medical care, supervision and education. The children are given the opportunity and encouraged to develop spiritually, as well as physically, while being taught social skills, respect for authority and a proper work ethic.

Arms of Hope remains true to its identity and heritage by being a “home” for children. This includes providing an atmosphere of warmth and stability with an opportunity for developing long-term relationships and a sense of belonging in a family setting within a larger community.

Graduates can expect College and Career services with a long-term commitment from staff to continue to assist them in college or vocational training. A professionally-trained staff utilizes the most current methods and tools to provide care. Each child receives quality care attuned to his or her individual needs.

Children are accepted into the Residential Child Care program based on need and without regard to race, sex or national origin and are treated with dignity and respect.

Provides assistance for Arms of Hope high school graduates with support through college, trade school or into their first job and sometimes includes accommodations for graduates who have not yet found a place to call home.